Looking to add some excitement to your reptile-keeping experience? Stargazer Exotics has the perfect solution: our reptile spa kit! This all-in-one kit includes everything you need to give your pet a relaxing and refreshing bath. The luxury hooded robe has been artisanally handmade and will make your scaly friend feel like royalty. Made from only the finest materials, this robe is sure to please even the most discerning reptile. Whether their planning on just relaxing at home or getting ready for a night out on the town, this is the perfect end to bath night.Our reptile spa spray is made...
Looking to add some excitement to your reptile-keeping experience? Stargazer Exotics has the perfect solution: our reptile spa kit! This all-in-one kit includes everything you need to give your pet a relaxing and refreshing bath. The luxury hooded robe has been artisanally handmade and will make your scaly friend feel like royalty. Made from only the finest materials, this robe is sure to please even the most discerning reptile. Whether their planning on just relaxing at home or getting ready for a night out on the town, this is the perfect end to bath night.
Our reptile spa spray is made of the finest water fortified with natural minerals. Soothing aloe and a touch of Jojoba oil creates this perfect fragrance free spray. It will help to release the skin that is too stubborn shed. You can even add a couple of drops to the bath water.
Very soft f brush for scrubbing dirty lizards to make them clean and huggable again. Nylon bristles are just stiff enough, yet very fine and soft. Great for cleaning a dragon's under carriage!
NOW INCLUDING : FREE RUBBER DUCKY : Great theming makes bath night more fun.