Powder Blue Isopods -  Porcellionides pruinosus “Powder Blue" - Canada
    Powder Orange Isopods - Porcellionides pruinosus "Powder Orange" - Canada
    Powder White Isopods - Porcellionides pruinosus "White Out" - Canada
    Sevilla Isopods - Porcellio Sp. “Sevilla” - Canada
    Shiro Utsuri Isopods - Nesodillo archangeli (Formerly Cubaris “Shiro Utsuri”) - Canada
    Teardrop (Curly) Isopods - Cylisticus Convexus - Canada
    White Scaber Isopods - Porcellio scaber "White Out" - Canada
    Yellow-Bordered Isopods - Porcellio flavomarginatus - Canada
    Zebra Isopods - Armadillidium mauculatum "Zebra" - Canada
    Dwarf Purple Isopods - Trichoniscus tomentosa - Canada
    Giant Zebra Isopods - Armadillidium maculatum "Giant French Line Zebra" - Canada
    Rusty Red Isopods - Trachelipus rathkii - Canada
    Calico Isopods - Porcellio scaber "Calico" - Canada
    Dwarf Red Antennae Roly Poly Isopods - Venezillo sp. "red antennae" - Canada
    Brickworks Isopods - Porcellio spinicornis - Canada
    Dwarf Striped Isopods - Philoscia muscorum - Canada
    Southern Isopods - Armadillidium depressum - Canada
    Dalmatian Isopods - Porcellio scaber "Dalmation" - Canada
    Roly Poly Isopods - Armadillidium vulgare "Wild Type" - Canada
    Giant Canyon Isopods - Porcellio dilatatus - Canada
    Smooth Grey Isopods - Porcellio laevis "Wild Type" - Canada
    Orange Mardi Gras Skirted Isopods - Oniscus Asellus "Orange Mardi Gras" - Canada
    Hoffmann's or Titan Isopods  - Porcellio hoffmannsegii - Canada
    Lava Isopods - Porcellio scaber "Lava" - Canada
    Orange Vigor Isopods - Armadillidium vulgare "Orange Vigor" - Canada
    Dwarf Roly Poly Isopods - Venezillo parvus - Canada
    Oak Woodland Isopod "Greece" - Armadillo officianalis "Greece" - Canada
    Smooth White Isopods - Porcellio laevis " Smooth White" -  Canada
    Caramel Creme Isopods - Cubaris sp. "Caramel Crème" - Canada
    Skirted Isopods - Oniscus asellus "Wild Type" - Canada
    Oak Woodland Isopods "Spain" - Armadillo officianalis "Spain" - Canada
    Tricolor Isopods - Merulanella sp. “Tricolor” - Canada
    Yellow Zebra Isopods - Armadillidium muculatum "Yellow Zebra" - Canada
    Panda King Isopods - Cubaris sp. "Panda King" - Canada
    Giant Isopod - Helleria brevicornis - Canada
    Bumble Bee Isopods - Armadillidium badium "Castledaccia" - Canada
    Magic Potion Isopods (USA Line) - Armadillidium vulgare "Magic Potion (Am Line) - Canada
    Punta Cana Isopods - Armadillidium vulgare “Punta Cana” - Canada
    Gold Spot Isopods - Armadillidium gestroi - Canada
    Little_Sea_Isopods - Cubaris murina - Canada
    Tangerine Isopods - Armadillidium vulgare “Tangerine” - Canada
    Scarlet Isopod - Merulanella sp. “Scarlet” - Canada
    Oreo Crumbles Isopods - Porcellionides Pruinosus "Oreo Crumbles" - Canada


    Welcome to Isopod Canada - Home of the Pod Squad,  where we treat these incredible little critters like the true superheroes they were meant to be! Prepare to be whisked away on a fantastical adventure into the enchanting world of isopods, right here in the heart of Canada. As the ultimate destination for these tiny titans, we proudly present our quirky teams of species, carefully handpicked to delight every enthusiast's taste. ​

    Calling all seasoned isopod keepers and curious newcomers alike! Our lair is positively teeming with extraordinary wonders, just waiting to captivate your imagination. Join the Pod Squad Fan group today, and let your curiosity run wild as you embark on an isopod experience like no other! Brace yourself for an epic isopod journey that will leave you marveling at the magic of these miniature marvels

    • 135+

      Types of Isopods
    • 10+

      Types of Springtails
    • Many

      Different Beetles
    • 1500+

      Niche Supplies



      Behold! The formidable Armadillidium Isopods –  Isopod Canada's guardians of the soil, defenders of decay! Clad in their impenetrable exoskeletons, they roll into canadian action, shielding the ecosystem from harm and vanquishing pests with their armored prowess. These heroic mini-marvels roam the land, bringing balance and protecting nature with their tiny, but mighty, powers!


      Introducing  team Cubaris - Isopod Canada's  remarkable team of tiny titans! With their captivating colors and curious demeanor, they venture through lush terrains and mossy realms, preserving the delicate balance of their tropical habitat. Together, they form an extraordinary alliance, embodying the spirit of adventure and wonder. Join in on their enchanting journey as Team Cubaris takes on the role of guardians, ensuring the magic of their world remains alive for generations to come!


      Step into the world of "Dwarf Isopods" - Isopod Canada's fascinating team of terrestrial marvels! They wander through leafy hideaways and dark crevices, playing a vital role in the circle of life. Compact yet mighty, they unite as a formidable force, bringing charm and balance to every corner of the habitat. Embark on an enchanting expedition as Team Dwarf Isopods unveils the wonders of their miniature universe, leaving us in awe of their indomitable spirit and ecological heroism!


      Welcome to the extraordinary realm of "Team Merulanella" - Isopod Canada's  mystical alliance of miniature wonders! With their graceful elegance and mesmerizing colors, they navigate the lush forest floors and mysterious woodlands, weaving magic wherever they roam. United as one, they form an enchanting force, ensuring the harmony of their delicate habitat. Prepare for a journey of wonder and awe as Team Merulanella reveals the secrets of their enchanting world, leaving us spellbound by their ethereal beauty and environmental guardianship!


      Behold the legendary union of  Porcellio, Porcellionides, and Onisucus - Isopod Canada's triumphant trio of terrestrial titans! With their armored exoskeletons and unwavering determination, they traverse the lands, embracing the diversity of their habitats. As a unified force, they bring balance and vitality to the ecosystem, leaving a trail of wonder in their wake. Embark on an epic quest alongside Team P&O as they showcase the marvels of their collective realm, proving that strength lies not only in numbers but in the spirit of collaboration and ecological stewardship!


      Step into the fantastical realm of the team of oddball isopods - Isopod  Canada's curious and enchanting group of land crustaceans! With their peculiar shapes, vibrant colors, and quirky behaviors, they exude a charm that is both captivating and endearing. Together, they form a delightful squad, venturing through uncharted territories and delighting all who encounter them. Prepare to be enchanted as Team Oddball Isopods reveals the magic of their eccentric world, reminding us that it's the unique and extraordinary that truly make life extraordinary!


      Embrace the extraordinary alliance of beetles and millipeds - Isopod Canada's dynamic duo of the insect world! Together, they form an unbeatable team, with Beetle soaring through the skies and Millipede gracefully traversing the ground. With their combined powers, they protect the natural world from all threats, bringing harmony and balance to every corner of the ecosystem.


      Welcome to the captivating world of Team Springtail -  Isopod Canada's dynamic and resilient group of tiny wonders! With their boundless energy and ability to leap great heights, they traverse the soil and forest floors with grace and agility. As a united force, they play a crucial role in the ecosystem, breaking down organic matter and enriching the soil. Prepare to be amazed by the incredible acrobatics and tenacity of Team Springtail as they spring into action, leaving a trail of wonder and awe in their wake!

    Hassi "High Yellow" Isopods - Porcellio Hassi "High Yellow" - Canada
    T+ Albino Roly Poly Isopods - Armadillidium vulgare "T+ Albino"- Canada
    Nosy Quartz Isopods - Armadillidium nasatum "Quartz" - Canada
    Greater Clown Isopods - Armadillidium werneri - Canada
    BC Maple Orange Isopods - Oniscus Asellus "BC Maple Orange" - Canada
    Bolivari Isopods - Porcellio bolivari - Canada
    Canary Spikey Isopods - Porcellio sp. "Canary Spikey" - Canada
    Clown "Montenegro" Isopods - Armadillidium kulgii "Montenegro" - Canada
    Corfu or Triangle Isopods - Armadillidium frontetriangulum ''Corfu'' - Canada
    Creamsicle Isopods - Porcellionides Pruinosus "Creamsicle"- Canada
    Redskirt Isopods - Cubaris sp. "Redskirt" - Canada
    Dairy Cow Isopods - Porcellio laevis "Dairy Cow" - Canada
    Dubrovnik Isopods - Armadillidium kulgii "Dubrovnik"- Canada
    Dwarf Cave Isopod - Haplophthalmus danicus - Canada
    Dwarf White Isopods - Trichorhina tomentosa - Canada
    Ember Bee Isopods - Merulanella sp. “Ember Bee" - Canada
    Florida Fast Isopods - Atlantoscia floridana - Canada
    Gdansk Ghost Isopods -Porcellio scaber "Gdnask Gost" - Canada
    High Yellow Isopods - Porcellio ornatus "High Yellow" - Canada
    Jupiter Isopods - Cubaris sp. 'Jupiter' - Canada
    Koi Isopods - Porcellio scaber "Koi" - Canada
    Little Sea "Papaya" Isopods - Cubaris murina "Papaya"- Canada
    Milkback Isopods - Porcellio laevis "Milkback"- Canada
    Nosy Isopods - Armadillidium nasatum - Canada
    Nosy Peach Isopods - Armadillidium nasatum "Peach"
    Orange Dalmatian Isopods - Porcellio scaber "Orange Dalmation" - Canada
    Icanus Isopods - Porcellio incanus - Canada
    Smooth Caramel Isopods - Porcellio laevis "Caramel" - Canada
    Magic Potion Isopods (Japan Line) - Armadillidium vulgare "Magic Potion (Japan Line) - Canada
    Albania Spotted Isopods - Armadillidium sp. - Albania - Canada
    Rough Grey Isopods - Porcellio scaber "Wild Type" - Canada
    Oak Woodland "Orange Crush" Isopods -  Armadillo officinalis 'Orange Crush' - Canada
    Orange Scaber Isopods - Porcellio scaber "Orange" - Canada
    Smooth Orange Isopods - Porcellio laevis "Smooth Orange" - Canada
    Marbleized Isopods - Armadillidium sp. "Marbleized" - Canada
    Peraccae Isopods - Armadillidium peraccae - Canada
    Rubber Ducky Isopods - Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky" - Canada
    Silver Ghost Isopods - Nesodillo Arcangelii "Silver Ghost" / Cubaris "Silver Ghost" - Canada
    Bright Hassi Isopods - Porcellio hassi "Bright Form" - Canada
    Gdansk Ghost Isopods -Porcellio scaber "Gdnask Gost" - Canada
    Smooth Caramel Isopods - Porcellio laevis "Caramel" - Canada
    Jupiter Isopods - Cubaris sp. 'Jupiter' - Canada
    T+ Albino Roly Poly Isopods - Armadillidium vulgare "T+ Albino"- Canada