Reptile Recovery Diet and Appetite Stimulant - Omnivore
$57.99 CAD
Regular price$68.99 CAD
REPTILE RECOVERY - APPETITE STIMULANTLugarti’s Reptile Recovery - Omnivore is a complete, easy-to-digest, nutritional supplement & appetite stimulant that boosts energy while providing gentle nourishment and vital hydration. It includes protein, carbohydrates, omega fatty acids, probiotics, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. It allows you to provide important critical care support for animals that are sick, injured, stressed, or malnourished.Comes with an oral syringe and dosage instructions.PERFECT FOR: Lizards (e.g. Bearded Dragons, Water Dragons, etc.) Geckos (e.g. Crested Geckos, Day Geckos, etc.) Skinks (e.g. Blue-tongued Skinks, Pink-tongued Skinks, etc.) Box Turtles Tegus Various Other Omnivorous Species GUARANTEED ANALYSIS: Crude...
Lugarti’s Reptile Recovery - Omnivore is a complete, easy-to-digest, nutritional supplement & appetite stimulant that boosts energy while providing gentle nourishment and vital hydration. It includes protein, carbohydrates, omega fatty acids, probiotics, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. It allows you to provide important critical care support for animals that are sick, injured, stressed, or malnourished.
Comes with an oral syringe and dosage instructions.
Lizards (e.g. Bearded Dragons, Water Dragons, etc.)