A selected red form of Hedgehog Agave that takes on a reddish coloration, especially with drought, heat or cold stress. Forming large, 1-2' high and wide spherical rosettes of flexible, quill-like leaves with a spiny terminal tip, this rare, high elevation Mexican native furnishes enormous architectural & sculptural appeal. A true perennial, it freely develops offsets after a few years to form magnificent, dense colonies. 5 stars in a container! Requires excellent drainage, i.e. lots of gravel, grit or lava rock. Hardy to 23 degrees F. Agave stricta f. rubra is a red form of Agave stricta that takes on...
A selected red form of Hedgehog Agave that takes on a reddish coloration, especially with drought, heat or cold stress. Forming large, 1-2' high and wide spherical rosettes of flexible, quill-like leaves with a spiny terminal tip, this rare, high elevation Mexican native furnishes enormous architectural & sculptural appeal. A true perennial, it freely develops offsets after a few years to form magnificent, dense colonies. 5 stars in a container! Requires excellent drainage, i.e. lots of gravel, grit or lava rock. Hardy to 23 degrees F. Agave stricta f. rubra is a red form of Agave stricta that takes on a reddish coloration, especially with drought, heat or cold stress. It is a succulent, evergreen perennial, up 20 inches (50 cm) tall, with rosettes of narrow, spine-tipped leaves up to 16 inches (40 cm) long. The flowers are small, reddish and borne in dense, erect racemes up to 6.6 feet (2 m) long.