The best way to keep your reptile or snake healthy is by boosting immune and preventing illness. A regular regimen of probiotics is a great way to maintain good gut flora and will provide better protection when used on a regular schedule. So many people have been conditioned to use acidophilus products when their animals are on meds, but there are lots of other reasons to use probiotics. During times of stress or transition, breeding season, before brumation, after brumation, even times of speedy growth. Juvies are especially under extended amounts of stress, no different than a teenager going through...
The best way to keep your reptile or snake healthy is by boosting immune and preventing illness. A regular regimen of probiotics is a great way to maintain good gut flora and will provide better protection when used on a regular schedule. So many people have been conditioned to use acidophilus products when their animals are on meds, but there are lots of other reasons to use probiotics. During times of stress or transition, breeding season, before brumation, after brumation, even times of speedy growth. Juvies are especially under extended amounts of stress, no different than a teenager going through middle school. A strong and established immune system will help protect all animals internally and externally.
Mix a little into food source. Repeat in 2 weeks. Sprinkle into greens to wet or toss a small amount of powder onto insects. Great for adding to Repashy foods
Guaranteed 10 Million CFU per Gram!!! of the following microbes : Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobaciluscasei, Lactobacillus plantarum
For ALL pets, including dogs, cats and birds. Dosage for dogs and cats is 1 teaspoon per day mixed into water or sprinkled on food.
Keep in cool, dry place for up to 12 months or refrigerate for long term storage.