Echinopsis chamaecereus is a species of cactus from Argentina. Synonyms include Chamaecereus silvestrii and Lobivia silvestrii.[1] It has been called the "peanut cactus",[2] This plant should not be confused with Echinopsis silvestrii, another species with a very different appearance.E. chamaecereus has long stems about 1 cm (0.4 in) across. Orange flowers up to 4 cm (1.6 in) wide appear in late spring. In cultivation, E. chamaecereus is hardy to temperatures as low as 7C (19 F) if kept dry. The peanuts cactus, Echinopsis chamaecereus (probably best known under its old name Chamaecereus silvestrii), is a very popular cactus with many...
Echinopsis chamaecereus is a species of cactus from Argentina. Synonyms include Chamaecereus silvestrii and Lobivia silvestrii.[1] It has been called the "peanut cactus",[2] This plant should not be confused with Echinopsis silvestrii, another species with a very different appearance. E. chamaecereus has long stems about 1 cm (0.4 in) across. Orange flowers up to 4 cm (1.6 in) wide appear in late spring. In cultivation, E. chamaecereus is hardy to temperatures as low as 7C (19 F) if kept dry. The peanuts cactus, Echinopsis chamaecereus (probably best known under its old name Chamaecereus silvestrii), is a very popular cactus with many crowded finger-like stems. Established plants can reach a height of 15 cm and width of 30 (or more) cm. Stems: Pale green finger sized, initially erect that became prostrate up to 10 cm tall, 1.2 cm in diameter, up to 15 cm long. As cactus ages, eventually eventually become woody and spineless.
Ribs: 8 to 10.
Spines: 10 to 15 soft, white bristles, 2 mm long.
Flowers: Orange-red about 5 cm in diameter, often produced in prolific quantities from an early age.
Blooming season: In several flushes in late spring and early summer.
Remarks: Chamaelobivia hybrids: The peanut cactus is still often encountered as Chamaecereus silvestrii, and occasionally as Lobivia silvestrii. This plant has been intensively hybridized with other Echinopsis(especially Lobivia ssp.). This hybrids are sometime called "Chamaelobivia" and are pretty easy to grow and easy to get to bloom and are now available in different striking flower colours. They are often thicher, stronger, larger growing than C. sylvestrii and tend not to have the typical peanut shaped offsets. The offsets produced being more strongly attached to the main stems. Cultivation and Propagation: This is an easily grown cactus, suited to hanging baskets as well as pots. Grow in well-drained soil in a sunny spot. This Echinopsis needs a period of cool rest in winter to produce flowers abundantly. It flowers freely indoors if conditions suit it. The plant survives outside without protection in winter (cold hardy to -8� ) but somewhat prone to rot, then, too. Needs moderate water in summer, none in winter Watch for infestations of mealybug, scale insects and spider mite.
Propagation:: Easy to propagate from offsets or seed. Small joints are produced in quantities (peanuts) These offsets can be detached and planted immediately as they root easily with no assistance when they touch the ground. Just let them lay on the soil and you have a new start.