Gymnocalycium friedrichii is a an invalid name used to indicate the pink flowered form of Gymnocalycium stenopleurum. It is a small solitary cactus with banded body that has perianth-segments pinkish-red with white margins (but also pale pink or almost pure white). From seed; winter sow in vented containers, coldframe or unheated greenhouse or direct sow after last frostLISTING IS FOR 5 SEEDS
Gymnocalycium friedrichii is a an invalid name used to indicate the pink flowered form of Gymnocalycium stenopleurum. It is a small solitary cactus with banded body that has perianth-segments pinkish-red with white margins (but also pale pink or almost pure white). From seed; winter sow in vented containers, coldframe or unheated greenhouse or direct sow after last frost