Drosera anglica is a Drosera native to temperate regions of North America, Europe and northern Asia. It can reach 30cm (one foot) high and 25 to 50mm (1 to 2 inches) in width. Its leaves are tapered and covered with long hairs, each with a sticky drop at the end. The red stem develops from a rosette. The plant develops small white flowers on a 3-inch long stem, in summer. The plant feeds on insects to make up for the lack of nitrogen in the soils in which it evolves. When an insect is caught in the tentacle, the leaf...
Drosera anglica is a Drosera native to temperate regions of North America, Europe and northern Asia. It can reach 30cm (one foot) high and 25 to 50mm (1 to 2 inches) in width. Its leaves are tapered and covered with long hairs, each with a sticky drop at the end. The red stem develops from a rosette. The plant develops small white flowers on a 3-inch long stem, in summer. The plant feeds on insects to make up for the lack of nitrogen in the soils in which it evolves. When an insect is caught in the tentacle, the leaf curls inward, the insect then comes into contact with fine hairs which secrete a digestive enzyme. Only the insect's skeleton will remain, the rest will be absorbed by the leaf. Use a soil composed of 3 parts of sphagnum moss to one part of sand. Also consider a mixture of sphagnum moss and sand. The plant does not need to be fertilized, since all of its nutrients are found in the insects it consumes. Drosera anglica needs a moist atmosphere and soil. It is a good idea to place a saucer containing an inch of water, under the pot. Raise the pot by placing stones, so that the base of the pot is barely in contact with the water. This will provide the plant with a constant source of moisture. Humidity should be between 60-80%. The water should be distilled or rainwater, since it does not tolerate tap water. Hardiness zone 7, (-15 ° C / 5 ° F) in Winter. It should be grown in full sun with protection from the hot midday sun. In shaded areas, an artificial light source is required. They like cool temperatures, from 20 ° C / 68 ° F to 25 ° C / 80 ° F. They need seasons to live long term. They have a dormancy period in winter of about 3 months. A house is too hot for this plant in Winter. The plant should be moved to a location where the temperature will remain between 8-10 ° C / 45-50 ° F. She even tolerates a little cold. Protect it from intense cold by covering it with plastic. You can also place it in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator. Only insert it in a ziplock bag and reduce watering. an artificial light source is required.