Nepenthes bicalcarata, is a medium sized, carnivorous tropical pitcher plant with fangs, or at least that's what they look like. They are actually spurs coming from the underside of the hood. Traps in this clone have the typical green and bronze tint, and wide, prominent wings. Basal traps are urn shaped and can get up to 6" in length. It is heat tolerant and does well in a window. It is quite good at catching large insects, such as: stink bugs, wasps and yellow jackets. N. bicalcarata is a swamp dwelling species that grows alongside N. ampullaria, and loves it...
Nepenthes bicalcarata, is a medium sized, carnivorous tropical pitcher plant with fangs, or at least that's what they look like. They are actually spurs coming from the underside of the hood. Traps in this clone have the typical green and bronze tint, and wide, prominent wings. Basal traps are urn shaped and can get up to 6" in length. It is heat tolerant and does well in a window. It is quite good at catching large insects, such as: stink bugs, wasps and yellow jackets. N. bicalcarata is a swamp dwelling species that grows alongside N. ampullaria, and loves it hot and humid. It grows naturally in the shade of relatively dense, damp, woody vegetation. In cultivation it does well in moderately bright indirect light. Reduce watering in winter. It is a great house plant, that can be grown outdoors in the warm weather. It is excellent in the terrarium, and suitable for beginners.