Estrela Pods

LOWERED PRICE $7.99 CAD Regular price $9.99 CAD
SKU: 38480
Qualea parvifloraEstrela pods come from the Bolivian pau-terra tree. These seeds are the favorite food of the jewel beetles but we use them mostly for our isopod habitats. These pods are about 2 inch long.Set of 6

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Estrela Pods | reptile and terrarium supplies
$7.99 CAD

Qualea parviflora

Estrela pods come from the Bolivian pau-terra tree. These seeds are the favorite food of the jewel beetles but we use them mostly for our isopod habitats. These pods are about 2 inch long.

Set of 6

Product specifications table
Specification name Specification Value
Decoration material Natural Tannin Rich Decor


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