"Reductoniscus tuberculatus," commonly known as the "Borneo Alligator" isopod, is a species of terrestrial isopod native to Borneo. These isopods have gained popularity among enthusiasts of exotic pets and invertebrates due to their unique appearance and interesting behavior.
The nickname "Borneo Alligator" likely comes from their distinct appearance, which can resemble that of a miniature alligator when viewed from above due to their broad, flattened body shape and armor-like segments. They are typically dark in coloration, ranging from brown to black, with prominent ridges and tubercles on their exoskeletons.
In captivity, "Borneo Alligator" isopods require a humid environment with plenty of hiding places and substrate for burrowing. They are detritivores, feeding on decaying organic matter, so a diet rich in leaf litter and other decomposing materials is essential for their health and well-being.
Maintaining appropriate humidity levels is crucial for their survival, as they can desiccate if exposed to dry conditions for too long. Providing a moist substrate and regular misting of their enclosure can help ensure they remain hydrated
Culture is started with 6 pods of various sizes and ages.
Please note we don't ship these during the cold months. (November - April).
Orders placed during this time will be shipped in the spring.