Drosera aliciae is a very popular Drosera. Magnificent purple flowers of one to three centimeters are produced throughout its growing period. Drosera aliciae can reach 8cm (3 inches) in diameter. Its rosettes grow very close to the ground. The surface of the pale green leaves is covered with sticky tentacles of a dark pink or bright red. The leaves are 12mm (1/2 inch) wide by 3cm (1 1/4 inch) long. The leaves wrap around the prey like the movement of a wrist. The underside of the leaf is hairy, which can be seen when the leaf is rolled up. The...
Drosera aliciae is a very popular Drosera. Magnificent purple flowers of one to three centimeters are produced throughout its growing period. Drosera aliciae can reach 8cm (3 inches) in diameter. Its rosettes grow very close to the ground. The surface of the pale green leaves is covered with sticky tentacles of a dark pink or bright red. The leaves are 12mm (1/2 inch) wide by 3cm (1 1/4 inch) long. The leaves wrap around the prey like the movement of a wrist. The underside of the leaf is hairy, which can be seen when the leaf is rolled up. The surface of the leaves is covered with sticky tentacles. The insects are attracted to the leaves by the shine of the hairs and by the nectar. Once caught, the insect is digested by digestive fluids emitted by the plant. This is a unique way to obtain nitrogen, allowing these plants to live in soils poor in this substance. Hardiness zones 8-10, (1 ° C / 35 ° F, -10 ° C / 15 ° F) in Winter. The plant should be grown in full sun, with protection from the hot midday sun. In shaded areas, an artificial light source is essential. If the plant has enough light, it will produce very red rosettes. The temperature must be kept between (20 ° C / 25 ° C, 68 ° F / 76 ° F) in Summer, a little colder in Winter (15 ° C / 59 ° F) to provide optimal conditions; but this period of lower temperatures is not essential. The plant does not have a dormant period. It can germinate well in a mixture of sphagnum moss and sand, which can be made from 50% to 70% sphagnum moss. You don't have to fertilize since the plant relies on insects for food. Humidity should be between 60-80%. It needs an atmosphere and a moist soil. The water should be distilled or rainwater, since they do not tolerate tap water. It is a good idea to place a saucer containing an inch of water, under the pot. Raise the pot by placing stones, so that the base of the pot is barely in contact with the water. This will provide the plant with a constant source of moisture. an atmosphere and a moist soil. The water should be distilled or rainwater, since they do not tolerate tap water. It is a good idea to place a saucer containing an inch of water, under the pot. Raise the pot by placing stones, so that the base of the pot is barely in contact with the water. This will provide the plant with a constant source of moisture. an atmosphere and a moist soil. The water should be distilled or rainwater, since they do not tolerate tap water. It is a good idea to place a saucer containing an inch of water, under the pot. Raise the pot by placing stones, so that the base of the pot is barely in contact with the water. This will provide the plant with a constant source of moisture.