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Rattail Cactus

Aporocactus flagelliformis
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Rattail Cactus
Product Details
Brand: Whimsy and Wonder
Aporocactus flagelliformis, the rattail cactus, is a species of flowering plant in the cactus family Cactaceae, and is the most cultivated species in the genus. This tall, trailing cactus is one of the most widely cultivated cacti in its genus. Its thick stems grow tall before the weight of the stems causes it to bend and either hang out of its pot, or trail along the ground. It typically produces purple-red flowers, although sometimes growers have reported pink or orange blossoms. Aporocactus. Due to its ease of cultivation and attractive floral displays, it is often grown as an ornamental potted plant. This tall, trailing cactus is one of the most widely cultivated cacti in its genus. Its thick stems grow tall before the weight of the stems causes it to bend and either hang out of its pot, or trail along the ground. It typically produces purple-red flowers, although sometimes growers have reported pink or orange blossoms. has typical watering needs for a succulent, except during the Fall and Spring when it is growing, and it requires more frequent watering. In the Winter, water sparingly

Listing for for 5 seeds.

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