Crystal Ice Plant
Listing is for 5 Seeds
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum is a robust prostrate herbaceous-succulent or dense prostrate shrub to 1 m wide, with a small basal non-flowering rosette. Plants are densely covered with large, white, glistening bladder cells or water vesicles, reflected in its common names of 'ice plant'. The bladder cells are enlarged epidermal cells and are especially prominent on the receptacle. The main function of these bladder cells is to reserve water. It can be annual, biennial or perennial, but its life cycle is usually completed within several months, depending on environmental conditions. The annual plant is called by Haworth M. glaciale, the biennial M. crystallimum. It is one of the most prolific bloomers of all mesembs, flowering from April to September or even year-round if conditions are favourable. Flowers are white or rose-coloured