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Balloon Cactus

Notocactus magnificus
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Balloon Cactus
Product Details
Brand: Whimsy and Wonder

Parodia magnifica is still known in cultivation with its old name Eriocactus magnificus, is a bluish-green geometric globular cactus with wool that grows in clusters and produce absolutely brilliant yellow flowers. These cacti develop a slight depression on the crown, which may become distorted with age.

Habit: Plants at first solitary, forming large clustering mounds in time.

Stems: Globose, becoming short cylindrical with age, blue- green, glaucous, oblique apically. It grows 30 (or more) cm high and 7-15 cm in diameter.

Ribs: 11-15, straight, symmetrical, acute.

Areoles: White at first, later yellowish close together or almost contiguous.

Spines: 12-15 or more, bristle-like, thin, flexible, goldens yellow, 8-20 mm long.

Flowers: Borne several at a time apically, funnel-shaped, sulphur yellow, 4,5-5,5 cm long and in diameter; pericarpels with dense white wool and brownish bristles.

Blooming season: Flowering occurs in summer through early fall and will bloom several times during warm weather.
Fruits: Globose, pink, to 1 cm in diameter.

Seeds: Obovoid to club shaped, reddish brown, spiny tuberculate.


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